Adamjee Notes for Class 10 Chemistry

The matric exam is challenging to pass and the student needs to study hard. To make your learning easy you need adamjee notes for class 10 chemistry because it has everything you need. The letters are designed with a unique, user-friendly approach to provide comprehensive yet easy-to-understand coursework. It is the best option for those who are preparing for the Sindh board final examinations.

The Adamjee coaching notes are all about helping you with your notes for Class 10 Chemistry. The tutorials and tips are useful to students as well as teachers. You can read the posts, and get ideas and solutions from them.

Adamjee Notes for Class 10 Chemistry Chapter Series

Adamjee notes is a product that has been developed for the education of students in the subject of Chemistry. These notes have been designed keeping in mind the needs of students. This note includes a wide variety of notes which are required for all the topics covered under the subject of chemistry.

We all learn differently. Some people learn by reading. Others learn by watching and listening. But the best approach is to make notes when you are reading the book. It’s no surprise that different types of study methods are best suited for different kinds of learners.  Because it will help you to remember the important points.

List of 10th Class Chapters for Chemistry

There are eight chapters included in the chemistry subject for class 10th that every student needs to study. You have to prepare the complete book if you want to pass the matric class. We are going to provide you notes on the chapter with solve exercise and summary.

Let’s take a look what are the chapters you will learn in class 10th for chemistry subject. The following are the chapters that are included in the new book of chemistry.

  1. Hydrogen And Water
  2. Carbon, Silicon And Their Components
  3. Nitrogen And Oxygen
  4. Sulphur And Its Compounds
  5. Halogens
  6. Metal And Their Extractions
  7. Organic Chemistry
  8. Chemical Industries

Download 10th Chemistry Chapters Notes

By using our 10th class chemistry notes you will find multiple choice question, fill in the blanks, questions and answers for each chapter. A PDF file contains all information in one document and you can read it on any type of computer. 

Chapter #1: Hydrogen And Water
Chapter #2: Carbon, Silicon And Their Components
Chapter #3: Nitrogen And Oxygen

Improve SKill Using Chemistry Notes

For the sake of students, who have to study Chemistry, the Adamjee coaching has created these notes. These notes have been created keeping in mind the requirements of students.  All these notes are well-organized. In addition, there are plenty of examples used to demonstrate the points. Because of these reasons, notes have become popular among students.

Class 10th More Books Notes

Just like we cover English subjects, we also cover other important book notes with the same parent as we did with English. You can check the following book’s notes and make your study easy.

Adamjee Class 10 Notes for Chemistry

The student in science subject must need to pass the chemistry subject if they want to clear the 10th standard board exam. This subject is very important but a bit hard to study. To make your study easier, we created solved exercises for matric and share the notes in PDF format.

We tried our best to create the best notes for the chemistry subject. They have step-by-step solutions that can help you to solve any problem you may encounter. The main purpose of these notes is to help you learn how to solve problems.

Why You Need to Read Our Notes

We understand that studying chemistry is not an easy task. Our notes are written with the aim of making it easier for you to learn the subject. You will find that our notes contain all the relevant information. It provides you with the answer for each question and explains the solution step by step. You will understand everything and you won’t have to look for anything else. You will have all the help that you need from our notes.

The Best Way to Study

Our notes are designed for the students who want to revise the chemistry subject. It will help you to revise the material that you are weak at. You will also learn new information that you were unaware of. You will see the important points and you will see how each problem is solved. You will find that our notes are very effective.

About Chemistry

Chemistry is one of the most important subjects in school. Students who study chemistry may even get a scholarship for higher studies. They will also get a high-paying job if they excel in their career. So, they must need to score well in chemistry subject to get into top universities in Pakistan.

Chemistry is a branch of science. It deals with the study of chemical elements and their properties. Most of the materials used by humans are made of chemicals. There are thousands of different types of chemicals in our environment. Some of these chemicals are poisonous.

Chemistry New Book 2022 For Class X

The new chemistry book announces by the Sindh board and you may find it in the market so we uploaded the book for you. The book included all the tables of content for Science group students.


These set of premium notes for 10th class chemistry will surely help you in understanding the subject. You will be able to solve complex problems easily using the notes. You will get the complete solution on each chapter that help you in passing the exam.

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